Saturday 16 February 2013

Weekly blog update 16/02/2013

As ever, the mid-term break has come to a close prematurely and I must return to completing assigned homework tomorrow before I attend school for my second-last term ever on Monday morning. The leaving certificate is looming ominously ahead.

Unfortunately, there were no opportunities to go flying during the mid-term break, as a mixture of bad weather, miscommunication and aircraft unavailability decided the outcome of yet another introductory flight gone down the drain. It has been just under one year since my first flight in a PA28-140 EI-AOB at Ireland West Airport Knock (EIKN), and to be quite honest, far too long.

Nevertheless, flying may have to take the back-burner until June when I finish my leaving certificate and head  on my first international flight of 2013 to Abu Dhabi (AUH) to visit family. After that, I intend to complete a substantial amount of research into surrounding flight schools, their aircraft, and their dreaded prices.

As I am sure you have ascertained, the title of this post is "weekly blog update." Whether or not I will live up to this commitment, I am uncertain, but I certainly will try to fill my faithful followers in whenever I can, maybe even as a break from study.

I have updated my "About Me" section if you would like to take a look!

Thanks guys!


  1. Don't give up chasing your dream. Took me 12 years to get my ticket.

  2. Thanks Neil, it's these comments that make me want to make it!
